Hell, I can't even get my comments to work.
Anyways, some pretty amazing things have happened. For one, I had my baby! I really thought that I could never ever love anyone like I love my toddler but I am completely captivated by this 10lb fat potato man. Babies are so weird. They are so fat and squishy and happy and you just want to do everything you can to protect them. It's a COMPLETELY different kind of love.
I wrote about my "Methadone Pregnancy" on The Fix with my first child but decided to keep this one a little more private. It's not easy going into an OBGYN's office and talking to them about the addictive medication that you are STILL taking and that you decided to stay on it and have another child. There's tons of judgement....TONS.
Nobody was outwardly rude or anything to me except for one occasion and I can't get it out of my head. Picture this:
I am on the hospital bed in the delivery room with my husband at my side and I'm scared because I'm not really sure when to push. There are a million people in the room because I chose to give birth at a teaching hospital. Three big pushes and a sweet messy baby is placed on my chest. I am in the most euphoric state looking down at this perfect human that we made. The moment is perfect. A resident doctor comes up to me, leans over me holding little human and says, "What are you doing for birth control??" Seriously.....moments after I had a baby. The last thing on my mind was what manner of contraception I was planning to use.
Now, I'm not sure if she had one job and was super excited to execute it. I'm not sure if she wanted to make sure that this former drug addict on methadone didn't have any more babies. I'm not sure if she was just completely tactless but with a good heart. I do know that this moment has stuck with me. Now there is this sadness associated with his delivery.
Maybe I am overreacting but I really dont think so....especially because she came back and asked me again once we were settled. D'oh. Nice work lady.
I will say though that Baby Boy got and I got to go home two days after he arrived and he didn't have any withdrawal symptoms. He did not have any need for medication and didn't spend any time in the NICU either. I braced for the worst, I really did. I had to stay an extra day though because I wouldnt stop bleeding and needed a transfusion. I'll write all about that in my next post though because I'm starting to ramble.
As an obligatory note, I will say that I had no issues whatsoever receiving my methadone in the hospital. The doctor looked at one of my bottles and put in the order, that was it really. I also recieved buttloads of fentanyl through my epidural for my procedure after delivery which did not change my status at the clinic. I just brought my paperwork stating that I had been given narcotics with me to nullify a failed drug test.
If there are any questions regarding my delivery or if you are looking for resources please email me. I know that this blog is getting more views so I should really figure out how to fix my comments.
Until next time ❤❤❤
Love the new update..
ReplyDelete”Fat Potato Man” 🤣
I’m so proud of you!!
ReplyDeleteIt’s been a long time since I gave birth, but you describe the beautiful moment of meeting your baby boy perfectly!
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